Dr.Karl Renner Strasse 9-11
2203 Grossebersdorf

Telefon: +43-2245 4694-100
Fax: +43-2245 4694-913
Ansprechpartner: Mag. Werner Lichtscheidl (GM)
DI R. Deskovich

DI Manuel Lichtscheidl

wwwelcome to the world of cable marking -

Medek & Schörner was established in 1929 by Josef Medek and Gustav Schörner as a mechanical engineering firm. The company has been specializing for more than forty years in designing and building marking machines for continuously produced goods such as wires, cables, tubing and sections. The Medek & Schörner product range includes a wide variety of marking equipment from simple marking heads to fully automated high performance systems for use in advanced production lines.


"The State of the Art of Optical Fiber Coloring"

Optical fiber identification equipment from Medek & Schörner provides maximum performance, flexible, mo­du­lar con­struc­tion, and uncommon ease of use.

The many years of Medek & Schörner's experience of optical fiber co­lo­ring and coating have culminated in a superior engineering concept that en­su­res gent­le handling of the sensitive optical fiber throughout the ent­i­re pro­cess.

The system is fully modular and all components can be combined as re­qui­red for specific applications:


A laser controlled traverse unit provides torsion-free fiber payoff and pre­ci­se tension control ensures minimum fiber stress at speeds up to 30000 m/minute.

Coloring Head and UV Curing Unit

The fiber is coated inside an electrically heated coloring head and then pas­ses through a UV irradiator that cures the ink. The effective intensity of­ the UV radiation applied to the fiber is controlled using feedback loop cir­cu­i­try to guarantee constant curing throughout the entire pro­ces­sing speed range. The energy consumption and operating cost of the irradiators are half those of competitive models.

Capstan and Take-up

A traverse unit with laser controlled winding geometry and high­ly pre­ci­se tension control ensures perfect fiber winding with no increase in­ at­te­nu­a­tion.

Proof Tester

An optional in-line Proof Tester allows defined fiber tension in­cre­a­se du­ring coloring or rewinding.

Off-line Optical Fiber Coloring up to 3000 m/minute

The GFP-UV-G off-line coloring system comprises of a payoff station, coloring and cu­ring station, and capstan plus take-up. Single-line and parallel sy­stems with up to six independent fiber lines are available.

Band Marking on optical fibers up to 800 m/minute

The band marks are totally resistant to wiping and cause no increase in­ at­te­nu­a­tion.

Multiple-fiber In-line Coloring up to 500 m/minute

Single coloring head for parallel processing of up to 12 fibers to be used for in-line coloring in loose tube plants.

Tight Buffering up to 400 m/minute

Optical fibers can be coated (tight buffered) individually or jointly in­ groups. For this purpose, a special resin coating head is used instead of­ the coloring head. Available standard system components allow two-sta­ge tight buffering in a single operation

Ribbon Production up to 1000 m/minute
Fiber ribbon manufacturing comprising of a multifiber payoff station, a rib­bon glu­ing head with resin supply, UV curing unit, ribbon capstan, and take-up unit for large reels.


The FMS/FFS Series comprise several precision-engineered hot stamping markers for printing length marks in meters (FMS Series) or feet (FFS Series), along with any text, company logo, and/or any other user defineable code in user selectable colors, on cold cable insulation or tubing. All meter/footage markers from Medek & Schörner are fully modular for maximum flexibility.


The RS Series comprises precision-engineered, rugged ring markers for marking hot telephone or hookup wire at medium and high speeds. The RS 70 ring marker uses interchangeable dual marking drums and has been designed for extrusion speeds of up to 1200 m/minute. Four different versions provide a wide range of ring patterns in one or two colors.
The three versions of the RS 707 use rugged, interchangeable single marking drums for production speeds of up to 2500 m/minute. Both the RS 70 and the RS 707 allow single or two color marking of all standard ring patterns as well as custom patterns.
The RC 707 Slim-Format ring marker has been specifically designed for use in high speed extrusion plants that provide little room between the extruder and cooling bath (foam skin plants)


High qua­lity in-line ink prin­ting of text and num­bers. on pla­stic insu­la­ted wires and pla­stic jacke­ted cables at speeds up to 1500 m/min.

"Today more than ever before, success hinges on your ability to implement new ideas fast. No matter what your line of business, the factors that count are competence, experience, flexibility, motivation and training. "

The firm of Medek & Schörner was established in 1929 to provide precision engineering services. Over the intervening years, we have developed many of our technologies ourselves rather than buying them in, and today Medek & Schörner is a leader in precision engineering, CNC processing and control electronics.

Thanks to our unrivalled expertise in these fields, our highly motivated and well trained staff, and our ability to develop solutions to a wide variety of specialized problems fast, at Medek & Schörner we have become market leaders in cable printing machines and ink coating devices for optical waveguides (optical fiber coding).

One of the pillars of Medek & Schörner's success has been the company's legendary reliability, reflected in on-time delivery, round-the-clock techni-cal support, and unlimited availability of spare parts for all our machines, including older and smaller models.

Medek & Schörner's modular system concept is based on long-term compatibility, and has also stood the test of time:

  • The efficiency of a system from Medek & Schörner can be significantly increased simply by replacing individual components.
  • New components from Medek & Schörner are compatible even with systems that have already beencin operation for many years.
  • Systems from Medek & Schörner can be modified step by step so that they are always in line with the latest engineering standards.

Much of the expertise which Medek & Schörner has built up over 70 years of practical experience - in the development and manufacture of electronic control systems, for instance - can also be employed in other areas of industry. Apart from machines for the cable industry, the company therefore also offers the following services:

  • Manufacturing concepts, product realization methods
  • Development
  • Design of electrical and mechanical components
  • Production
  • Installation
  • Commissioning
  • Documentation
  • Support